Thursday, November 6, 2008

November 6, 2008 ~ Butterflies

Here a few photos of a couple different butterflies I photograph in my garden this summer. At first I thought maybe they were male (the smaller lighter colored ones) and female (the larger yellow ones). But turns out I am told, the larger yellows are "Tiger Swallowtail" and the smaller lighter ones are "Zebra" They sure did pose nicely for me LOL!!!

Here are two photos of the 'Tiger Swallowtail'. I Just love the coloring by the tails!

Here are the 'Zebra' butterflies. I'm not if they are called 'Zebra Swallowtail' or just 'Zebra' butterflies.

I hope you enjoyed today's photos. Please do leave comments, I do enjoy reading them and would like to get to know my viewers.
~~Rainbow Rose Connie

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